Puppy and Dog Training
We believe you have entered and committed yourselves to a new relationship - to nurture, to care and to make it very enriching for you, your family, and your pet. To be able to incorporate the right guiding techniques to form this bond into a meaningful one is where training and socialisations play an especially important role.
Our job as a trainer largely is based on bond building and getting a well balanced pet to grow up in a loving and a comfortable environment. Having said that, we do get our pet parents to do a lot of work on the main front, while we, then, largely play a role of “Show and Tell”.

As a trainer, our role would be
Identifying problem behaviours
Teaching the owners methods to train their dog
Understand your requirements and plan routines/training around that.
Create situations for desensitization- These might involve a trip to the Groomer, Vet, Car Rides, Busy roads, Dog environment (controlled), Children environments, Cafes, Crates . All these are decided as per requirement
Create a balanced environment of positive reinforcements and corrective patterns for undesirable behaviour
Other Details
Duration of the training module – 3 month – divided over 10 sessions
Sessions will be once a week (with tons of homework for the week)
All sessions happen at PetSitters, Maan Village Hinjewadi at a pre decided time, unless required to be done in a particular situation/environment
Any cancellations 3 hours prior to the appointment will be charged

Training Correction
Many times circumstances arise that compel your dog to behave in a way contrary to his/her training. Training and behaviour correction take him back to the basics and refresh his learning of basic obedience the sessions and plans are customised as per your and the dog’s requirements.